hello world.
irf stands for “innumerable random formations.”
I came across this phrase in Stephen Greenblatt’s book Swerve, and it immediately felt like a good metaphor for the way my mind races from one unfinished thought to another.
I decided to start this blog because I realized that if I never pause and write down my thoughts, I never actually process them. I never engage with them. I don’t even remember most of them. So, I am not writing this blog for others to read it. I am writing it to aid my thinking.
There are a couple of stylistic influences that guide the structure of this blog1. The first influence is Michel de Montaigne’s Essays. I want to write short, reflectively, and without worrying about what others would think if they read these articles. The second influence is John Gruber’s blog daringfireball.net. I want to publish a text-first blog with a simple design.
In any case, I’m so curious if this will be another random project I start and forget or if I’ll manage to return here to enter a dialogue with myself.
If you are not me and happened to stumble upon this page, feel free to contact me at [email protected].
Of course, I do not claim that I will be able to write anything close to the literary value of Montaigne’s essays or the journalistic value of John Gruber’s blog. Neither do I draw influence from the contents of either influence. ↩︎